He was born on the 23 at 1:11 PM
We have had a visitor since last Thursday. Her name is Lu-lu, She is a basset hound-weenier mix. She is very cute but this has made us realize that we are not ready for a dog. It has been fun but we are looking forward to Sunday when our friends come and get her.
McKenna is all over the place and has started to stand on her own in the middle of a room. It is very exciting but also sad, my baby is almost 11months old. The time flies by. She is blowing kisses, says; thank you, hi, bye, ma-ma, pa-pa, da-da, and she has just started saying excuse me.She says lots more and is learning more everyday. She plays peek-a-boo, she loves the dog, and eating or putting the food on her head.
Carson is still just as crazy as ever. If I put a head band on McKenna he wants on one him, I think it is funny Cameron... not so much.
Cameron and I start school on the 10th and we are excited and not so excited about it. Cameron got a job at a shop and is still working at speedy, as well as running his business. He is busy but enjoys working on cars.