We had a fun quiet Easter this year. And I am just putting up a bunch of pictures with little captions on them. Hope that's okay.
My hot hubby!!! Need I say more?
Being goofy in the back yard with the kids favorite people.
Peep wars. We called it a draw:)
Robin egg lipstick. I think this is my favorite part of the Easter candy. And It was so much fun to introduce to the kids. Such great memories from when I was a kid.
The kids in their new Easter outfits with their Aunt Kayloa. We love her.
Carson kept posing like this and I thought it was so funny. Aren't they so cute?!?!?!? I just love them.
Random picture- Carson is going through a cowboy phase. I love it!
Dying Easter eggs. Carson only did yellow eggs. That is his favorite color. I tried to get him to do other colors but he wouldn't.
Taking the eggs out after being oh so patient.
Our finished product. We did a lot more than that but that is all I got a picture of. And soon to come what we did with those eggs. We went on an 'egg hunt' with guns. Pictures to come soon!
Our neighbor had a huge Easter egg hunt in her backyard and here are the kids waiting to get started.
And here they are after getting a few eggs. They would find an egg, shake it, and then open it up to eat it. They didn't care how many they got just as long as they got the candy out of it.
We had a great weekend and I really enjoyed teaching my kids about Jesus and the reason we celebrate Easter. They understand it a whole lot more than they did last year.
I hope you all had a great Easter holiday.