So this weekend was a busy one. We had Halloween on Friday and blessed McKenna on Sunday. Carson was a Frog (compliments of Bobi) and McKenna was a bunny. They both looked adorable. Carson loved wearing his frog costume around. It was a bit to big so Cameron called him a frog on a diet.
The day of the blessing was a cold one and I was hoping that it would be nice so I could send the kids out to eat outside but it defiantly was not. I get a little worried that things won't work out or we won't have enough food but we had plenty of food and it was just an enjoyable day. McKenna wore the dress that I was blessed in and she was beautiful.
We carved pumpkins earlier in the week and Carson didn't know what to think about that. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty so it was pretty funny trying to get him so put them in the goop.